This article takes you through the process of adding a Production Product which is a product that you produce. For details on adding other types of products please refer to the How to Add/Update Products article.


Adding a Production Product

To add a production product select "Products" from the menu. The "Products" page will show. 

Click the "Add +" button in the top right corner. The "Add Product" form will appear. 

Complete the fields as follows:

  • Brand - The brand of this product. If there is no brand name you can put your business name instead. Brand is required when selling on Supply'd. Clicking on the field will up a list to select from or you can type your own. 

  • Name [required] - The name of the product. 

  • Category [required] - The category on your supplier profile that you would like this product to sit under. Supply'd is flexible with categories to allow you to define your own so you can group your products in any way you choose.  Clicking on the field will up a list to select from.

  • Size - The weight/size of a single unit. Leave blank to ignore.

  • Product Image - Allows you to upload a product image to Supply'd. We recommend a square image at least 640 x 640px with a transparent background as a PNG file. It will also allow JPG files to be uploaded if you you don't have transparent images available.

  • SKU [required] - The SKU of the product. This should be a unique identifier for the product. The same SKU cannot be used on multiple products.

  • Unit Barcode - The barcode of a single unit this product. 

  • Carton Barcode - The barcode on the carton of this product (if different to the unit barcode or parent carton barcode).
  • Description - Allows you to enter a detailed description of the product. This is useful to give customers extra information to assist them with making their purchasing decisions. 

  • Tags - Allows you to select a number of tags that suit the product. Tags are predefined by Supply'd and are used to match particular product types. For example, whether the product is vegan, vegetarian, nut free, gluten free etc. Customers can use tags to find all vegan products that match a given search query. 

  • Carton Size (cm) - The width, height and depth of the carton in centimetres when shipped.

  • Carton Weight (kg) - The weight of the carton in kilograms when shipped. 

Custom Fields

Define the any custom field data for this product.

Custom fields are extra fields you can create for yourself and may vary from those in our example above. See the How to Manage Product Settings  article on how to add these.

Product Type

Define the type of product this is. For example, if it is a standard product, bundled or recipe.

  • Product Type* [Required] The type of product this is. For a Production Product, select "Production" from the drop-down. (For a description of the other choices see the How to Add/Update Products article.)

    When "Production"  is selected addition sections will show.

Food Product Details

Relevant details for food products such as ingredients, nutrition, storage type and more. After creating the production recipe you can generate the ingredients, allergens, nutritional information from the recipe, provided all the recipe items contain the relevant details.

  • Country of Manufacture - The country the product was made in. Select from the  drop-down.

  • Ingredients - Any ingredients contained in this product. Leave blank if not applicable.

  • Allergens - Contains - Allergens that are present in this product. Enter the allergens only, separated by a comma. (eg. "dairy, nuts".) Don't include leading statements such as "Contains". Leave blank if not applicable.

  • Allergens - May Contain - Allergens that may be present in this product. Enter the allergens only, separated by a comma. Don't include leading statements such as "May contain". Leave blank if not applicable.

  • Nutrition Information - Click the "Edit" button to enter the nutritional information for this product, if applicable.

  • Storage Type - Select the type of storage required from the drop-down selection. (eg. ambient, refrigerated etc.)

  • Shelf Life - Suitable for food products, this field allows you to provide guidance on the shelf life of a product. Enter the number then select "Days", "Months" or "Years" from the drop-down, whichever is applicable.

  • Usable Size - The weight/size of a single unit for use in recipes and production. This can be used to specify drained weights or other weights/volumes that vary from the products size. Leave blank to use the product size. Enter the number then select the applicable measurement from the drop-down

Production Settings

Defines the configuration for the production of this product. This field will only show when "Production" is selected as the "Product Type".

  • Batch Code Prefix - An optional prefix to use when generating batch codes for this item. This field should contain characters only, using digits as a prefix may cause the automatic increments of production batches to be incorrect.

  • Expected Yield* [required] -  The final quantity of this product expected when producing a batch.

  • Batch Shelf Life - The expected shelf life from the date of production. Enter the number then select "Days", "Months" or "Years" from the drop-down, whichever is applicable.

  • Expiry Type - The type of the expiry date type used for this batch. Select either "Best Before" or "Use By"  from the drop-down.

Production Stages

Defines the stages of the production run. This field will only show when "Production" is selected as the "Product Type".

To add the stages, click "Edit Stages". You will be prompted to save your product before  adding/editing any stages. Click "Save & Edit".

The "Edit Production Stages"  form will appear. 

  • New Stage -  The name of this stage of production. Type your choice of name. For simplicity, our examples are simply named "Stage 1," Stage 2" etc., however, you may choose a name that describes the stage.

  • Stage Colour - The colour to use for this stage of production. Select your choice from the drop-down.

  • Stage Instructions - Any instructions for completing this stage of production.

Click "Add Stage" to add any extra stages required. 

When you have finished add all the stages, click "SAVE".

Production Stages will now look something like this, each stage with its own unique name and colour depending on what you chose. The stage colours make it easy to identify each stage of production a product is at and will show in the "Production Batch" list.


Production Items

The items and quantities of products to make this recipe. This field will only show when "Production" is selected as the "Product Type". The stage you added in the last step will appears as the screenshot below.

Click "Edit Items". The "Edit Production Items" form will show.

Clicking on, or typing in, the field that says "Type Product Name" will bring up a list of your products and ingredients.

Select the first item used in this product. Click "Add". You can use items, you buy or produce in other production runs within other production products. 

  • Stage - The stage where this ingredient is used. Select from the drop-down.

  • Quantity - How much of this item is used in this stage. For example, you use 250g of a 1kg (1,000g) packet of caster sugar in this stage. The Quantity would be therefore be 0.25.

  • Measurement - The amount, in grams, of this ingredient in the recipe. The "Quantity" field will automatically be adjusted relative to the product size. For example, you use 250g of caster sugar in this stage.

    Tip: You can enter the amount in the Measurement field and the Quantity will automatically calculate for you.

  • Ingredient Cost - The cost of this ingredient used in this product. This is calculated from data added when setting up this item. This field cannot be edited.

  • Cost Per g - The cost of this ingredient per gram. This field cannot be edited.

Repeat the above steps for all items used, clicking  "Add" after selecting each one. Much like writing the ingredients in a recipe.

Click "SAVE" to add all items.

The items selected will appear in their stages with amounts used and total costings.


Sell Product?

Whether or not you sell this product.

  • Price (inc tax)* [required] - The default sell price for this product. This is used in place of each sales channels price if they are left blank.

  • Sale Price (inc tax) - If this product is on sale, enter the sale price here. Leave blank for no sale price.

  • Tax* [required] - Select whether or not GST is applicable to this product when selling. Select "GST" or "GST Free" from the drop-down.

  • Pack In Carton - Whether or not this item should be packed in a shipping carton when shipped.  Select "Yes" or "No" from the drop-down. If "Yes" the item would be packed in an aggregated shipping carton during packing. If "No", the item would ship as is with no additional cartons.

if you want to sell this product on Supply'd. 

  • Supply'd Price (ex tax) - The price for a carton/unit on supply'd, excluding GST.

  • Supply'd Sale Price (ex tax) - If this product is on sale on Supply'd, enter the sale price here, excluding GST. Leave blank if the product is not on sale.

  • Tax* [required] - Select whether or not GST applies to this product when selling on Supply'd.

  • Pack In Carton - Whether or not this item should be packed in a shipping carton when sold on Supply'd.

    • Default: The would be packed as per the setting set under "Sell Product" for this product.
    • Yes: The item would be packed in an aggregated shipping carton during packing.
    • No: The item would ship as is with not additional cartons.

  • Unit RRP (inc tax) - The recommended retail price for a stockist to sell a unit of this product at, inclusive of GST. For example, Sungold Full Cream Milk 2lt retails for $3.50 per bottle so we would simply enter the value as "$3.50". This is used to give guidance to the customer on what to charge for the product, as well as allowing margin calculations for the customer.

  • Sold on Supply'd As* [required] - Whether you store/sell this product by the unit or as a carton on Supply'd.  Select "Unit" or "Carton" from the drop-down.

  • Carton QTY* [required] - How many units in a carton when selling on Supply'd. This field is only visible when "Carton" is selected in "Sold On Supply'd As".

  • Visibility* [required] - Whether or not the product is available in the marketplace. 

    • In Marketplace - The product will be visible to customers in the marketplace that match a business type in the "Sell To Categories" list. ?????

    • Out of Stock - The product is visible in the marketplace, but marked as out of stock and cannot be ordered.

    • Not Visible - The product will not be visible to customers in the marketplace. It can only be used when manually creating a sales order.

    • Specific Customers - The product will only be visible to the specified customers in the "Assign To Customer" list.

  • Assign to Customer -  Specify any customers who can see and buy this product. Only customers that you select can order this product. The customer must have already be your customer or have been invited to Supply'd. To find out more about adding a customer click here. This field is only visible when "Specific Customers" is selected in "Visibility" field.
  • Requires Liquor Licence - Select "Yes" or "No" from the drop-down. If "Yes" the customer will be required to provide their liquor licence.

  • Restrict By Shipping Zones - If this product is only available in certain shipping zones, you can select the available zones here. Leave blank for availability in all zones. Clicking on, or typing in, the field  will bring up a list of your Shipping Zones.

Sell on Shopify - Shopify Store? 

Toggle on if you would like to sync this product to your Shopify online store. Additional fields will show when this is toggled on.

    • Shopify Store Price (inc Tax) - If you would like to set a different for your Shopify Store to the product price you can override it here. This price will sync to the Shopify Store only. Leave blank if the Shopify price is the same as the product price from above.

    • Shopify Store Sale Price (inc tax) - If your product is on sale, you can enter the Shopify Store sale price here. This price will sync to the Shopify Store only. Leave blank if the product is not on sale or Shopify sale price is the same as the sale price from above.

    • Shopify Store Tax - If you would like to set a different tax for your Shopify Store to the product tax you can override it here. This tax will sync with Shopify Store only.

    • Pack In Carton - Whether or not this item should be packed in a shipping carton when sold on Shopify Store. Select from the drop-down.

      • Default: The item would be packed as per the setting set under "Sell Product" for this product.
      • Yes: The item would be packed in an aggregated shipping carton during packing.
      • No: The item would ship as is with no additional cartons.

    • Collections - The Collections you would like to feature this product under in your Shopify Store.

    • Sales Channels - The sales channels you would like this product assigned to in Shopify Store. Leave blank to use the default setting from your Shopify Store integration settings.


  • Track Inventory - Whether or not to track inventory on this item in Shopify Store. Select "Yes" or "No" from the drop-down.

  • Stock Buffer - Set a buffer for this products inventory sent to Shopify. A buffer will reduce the quantity of each products inventory by the buffer amount to help prevent overselling. Leave blank to use the default set in your integration settings.

Toggle on if you would like to sync this product to Square. 

  • Square Price (inc Tax) - If you would like to set a different for Square to the product price you can override it here. This price will sync to Square only. Leave blank if the Square price is the same as the product price from above.

  • Square Sale Price (inc tax) - If your product is on sale, you can enter the Square sale price here. This price will sync to Square only. Leave blank if the product is not on sale or if the Square price is the same as the sale price from above.

  • Square Tax - If you would like to set a different tax for Square to the product tax you can override it here. This tax will sync with Square only. Select "Same As Product" to use the default setting for the product, "GST" or "GST Free" from the drop-down.

  • Pack In Carton - Whether or not this item should be packed in a shipping carton when sold on Square. Select from the drop-down.

    • Default: The item would be packed as per the setting set under "Sell Product" for this product.
    • Yes: The item would be packed in an aggregated shipping carton during packing.
    • No: The item would ship as is with no additional cartons.

  • Square Product Name - If you would like to override the default product name synced to Square, you can enter a new name here. Leave blank to sync to the default configured name.

  • Sales Unit - How is this item sold. Default is by item, however, if the item is sold by weight or length you can set the appropriate option here. Select from the drop-down.

  • Track Inventory - Select "Yes" or "No" from the drop-down whether or not to you would like to track inventory on this item in Square.



Advanced Settings for this product. 

  • Version Of - The product ID of the product that this item is a version of. This is used to tie a product you buy from a supplier on Supply'd with the same product you have in your products. Providing this allows this product to be matched when receiving the related item.

  • Enable Picking - Whether or not this item should appear in pick lists. If "No" the item will only show at the packing stage.

  • Collate Picking - Whether or not to collate this item in picking when multiple are ordered. This is useful for instances where additional meta data may be present for imported orders.


Add any desired notes about this product, for internal reference only.


Click "SAVE" to finish creating the product.


Editing Products

If you would like to edit a product, simply select "Products" from the main menu. Click on the product you want to edit. Click on the three dots on the top right corner and select "Edit Product" Change any fields as required following the steps above.

Removing Products 

If you would like to remove a product, simply select "Products" from the main menu. Click on the product you want to remove. Click on the three dots on the top right corner and select "Remove Product".

You will be asked to confirm.