Adding a large number of custom suppliers doesn't need to take forever. In this article we will walk you through how to create a spreadsheet to import custom supplier in bulk. We will cover the below topics:

  1. Creating the spreadsheet.
  2. Importing the custom suppliers. 

If you only have a few custom supplier to add you may find it more efficient at add them manually. You will find more details on how to do this at in the article How To Create & Manage Custom Suppliers.


Creating the Spreadsheet

Before importing custom suppliers to Supply'd you must first download the CSV template. 


To download the template go to "Suppliers" then in the top right click the 3 dots then "Import Suppliers".




Note: If you already have custom suppliers added to Supply'd you can click on "Export Suppliers" to go directly to the export screen.

An overlay will appear to import suppliers. On this screen click on "Download Template".

A new overlay will appear to generate your template. On this screen you can choose the source to generate the template from. If you don't have any custom suppliers in Supply'd your only option will be "Sample Data".

If you already have custom suppliers you will see the option "Supply'd" which will export you existing custom suppliers in a template file. This is particularly useful if you would like to update existing custom suppliers in bulk.

After choosing an option click "EXPORT" and a file will be generated and downloaded to your computer. 

Open the CSV file in Excel, Numbers or any other spreadsheet editing software.

You can now use the sample data as a guide on how import your custom suppliers. Detailed information on how to fill each field out is below.

  • Company Name* [Required] - The company name of the supplier you are adding. 

  • Contact Name - The name of your contact at the supplier. This is used for your reference only. Leave blank to save no contact name.

  • Order Method* [Required] - The order method you would like to use to order from the supplier. Some options may not be available for your selected plan. Options are "Email" or "SMS""SMS" is available on selected plans only. To check if you have access to this functionality go to the Plan screen in the Billing Settings.

  • Email [Required For Email Order Method] -  The email address you would like to have orders sent to. If you decide to use another order method you can optionally enter an email address for your records. Leave blank to save no email address.

  • Email CC - You can add additional email address to CC orders to with multiple email addresses separated by a comma ",". eg. ",".  Valid only for those using the "Email" order method.

  • Mobile Area Code [Required For SMS Order Method] - The area code for the mobile number you wish orders to be sent to. Default is "+61" for Australia. 

  • Mobile Number [Required For SMS Order Method] - The mobile number you would like to have orders sent to. If you decide to use another order method you can optionally enter a mobile number for your records. Leave blank for no mobile number.
  • Minimum Order Spend - This field will only show when minimum spend is chosen for order minimums. Enter the dollar amount to enforce as the minimum. Minimum spend is enforced based on the amount excluding tax. Leave blank for no minimum spend. 

  • Minimum Order Qty - This field will only show when minimum carton qty is chosen for order minimums. Enter the number of cartons that need to be ordered. Leave blank for no minimum carton quantity.

Important: The title row should remain in the document in order for the system to match the columns when imported. You should remove the sample data before importing otherwise the system will create custom suppliers with the sample data.

Export or save the file as a CSV ready for import. 


Importing the Custom Suppliers

After creating our import file we next need to import the file to Supply'd. To do this we need to return the import screen. If you still have the export overlay open you can go back to the import page by clicking the "BACK" button. 


If you do not have this screen open go to "Suppliers" then in the top right click the 3 dots then "Import Suppliers".


An overlay will open with the options to import the file. Details of this screen are below.



In the info box at the top you will see how many custom suppliers you have used based on the current plan. If you require more custom suppliers you can change your plan anytime in the Billing Settings

  • Download Template - As per the instructions in the section above, this will send you to the export suppliers screen to generate a template to use for creation of the CSV to import. 

  • Upload CSV File [Required] - Select the file you created in the previous section to upload into Supply'd.

  • Update Existing Suppliers - If you are adding a file that contain existing custom suppliers, choose "Yes" to update the suppliers with the new details in the file. Choose "No" to ignore any existing suppliers in the list.

Click "IMPORT" to upload and import the file. 

After importing the custom suppliers should appear in your list right away. If they are missing they may have been unsuccessful when importing. 

Once the import is complete you will receive an email with a summary of successful or failed rows from the file. You can download the attached document to review any errors in detail. 

Any suppliers in your list that match an existing supplier in Supply'd will be ignored. You can either find this supplier in the marketplace, or if you are unable to find them, you can manually add them to Supply'd by following the instructions on the article How To Create & Manage Custom Suppliers.

After importing your custom suppliers you may want to add or import their products using the instructions on the articles below:



Products can also be added from the "Suppliers" page. Simply select the supplier, click on the "Products" tab, then select either "Import Products" or "Add Product" and follow the instructions in the articles listed above.