The integration works with Account Right Live and Essentials. Functionality includes:

  • Automatic syncing of order invoices to MYOB
  • Automatic syncing of inventory from MYOB (optional)
  • Automatic syncing of credit card payments to MYOB
  • Automatic syncing of payments reconciled in MYOB
  • Automatic syncing of payout fees to MYOB.

Integrating with MYOB is quick and easy!


Connect To MYOB

Simply click on your company name in the top right then select Settings > Integrations > MYOB. You will be taken to MYOB where you can login and grant access to Supply'd. After returning to Supply'd a screen should appear with the following fields:

Sync Existing Orders This field will only appear if you have received orders in Supply'd before integrating with MYOB. Defines whether or not to sync orders that already existing in Supply'd. You should select "No" if you have manually entered the orders into MYOB. 
Invoice Prefix Defines a prefix to prepend to the invoice number when importing to MYOB. This is useful to prevent duplicate invoice numbers in MYOB.
Income Tax Code [required] The tax code to be used for income from product sales.
Income Account [required] Defines the account where income will be accounted to. Account must be a "Income" account type.
Payment Account [required] Defines the clearing account for Supply'd payments to clear in. The account must be a "Bank" account type and must be set to accept payments.

Below is an example of the settings for the clearing account:
Fees Account [required] Defines the account where Supply'd fees will be accounted to. Account must be a "Expense" account type.
Sync Inventory [required] Whether or not your would like to keep inventory in sync between MYOB & Supply'd. For this to work your products must be set-up as tracked inventory items in MYOB with a Number allocated to it which should match the SKU in Supply'd. Supply'd would require the same SKU on the product  as well as "Manage Inventory" on the product set to "Yes". See How to add/update products.

Click Save to apply your changes then you're done. 


Reconciling in MYOB

To reconcile in MYOB it is important to understand how payments work with Supply'd. For credit card payments these will be handled by Supply'd and paid out to you once a week. Invoice and cash on delivery are both paid directly from the customer to the supplier. 

For the credit card payments the payments for these are all associated to the clearing account selected as your Payment Account above. We will automatically allocate the credit card payments and any associated fees to this account. When a payout is received you should clear this payment against the clearing Payment Account. The account should then balance itself out unless modifications have been made to invoices.

For invoice and cash on delivery payments, when these payments are received you should reconcile these against the appropriate invoice that have already been synced to MYOB. 


Disconnecting from MYOB

If you like to disconnect from MYOB you can do so by clicking on your company name in the top right then select Settings > Integrations > MYOBAn overlay will appear, click "Disconnect" then confirm this is what you would like to do. You can reconnect at any time using the instructions above.