Connect to Square


To connect to Square, simply click on your company name in the top right corner, then select "Settings"

In the "Settings" menu, scroll down and select"Integrations".

Click on "Add +"  in the top right-hand corner.

The "Add Integration" page will show. Click on the "Square" icon. You will be taken to Square where you can login and grant access to Supply'd.

After returning to Supply'd the "Square Settings" screen should appear.

If it doesn't appear, click on your name in the top right corner, select "Settings", scroll to "Integrations" and select "Square" from the "Integrations" list. You can also follow these steps if you need to make changes to the settings at a later date.

Square Settings

Complete the fields as follows:

  • Integration Name* [Required] -  A reference name for this integration.

Sync Orders? 

Toggle on to sync orders from Square to Supply'd. 

  • Order Number Prefix - An optional prefix for order numbers imported from this integration.

  • Sync Locations - The locations you would like to sync orders from. When adding new locations to Square you will need to ensure they are also added to this list for them to sync.

  • Sync Orders - Which orders would you like to sync from Square. Select "All Orders" or "All Orders Since Date" from the drop-down.

    If "All Orders Since Date" is selected, an additional field will appear:

    To select the first date you would orders to be synced from, click in the field and a calendar will show, allowing you to select the month, year and day.

  • Reduce Inventory On Import - Would you like to reduce Supply'd inventory when orders are imported? Select either "Never" or "All Orders" from the drop-down.

  • Match Product SKU - The SKU in Square is used to match products in Supply'd. Choose what field to use in Supply'd to match products. Select either "SKU" or "Barcode" from the drop-down.

  • "Sync Location" - Warehouse - Which warehouse would you like to make available for Square inventory. "Sync Location" will be the location you selected above, which in this example is "Supply'd Test Account". Select the warehouse from the drop-down or select "Don't Sync Location" from the drop-down.

Sync Inventory

Toggle on to sync inventory from Supply'd to Square.

  • "Sync Location" - Warehouse - Which warehouse would you like to make available for Square inventory. "Sync Location" will be the location you selected above, which in this example is "Supply'd Test Account". Select from the list of your locations in the drop-down.

  • Match Product SKU Using - The SKU in Square is used to match products in Supply'd. Choose what field to use in Supply'd to match products. Select "SKU" or "Barcode" from the drop-down.

    • Use Supply'd Setting: Will update the product to match Supply'd manage stock setting.
    • Ignore Product: Product will be ignored and inventory/status will not be synced.

  • Match Product SKU Using - The SKU in Square is used to match products in Supply'd. Choose what field to use in Supply'd to match products. Select "SKU" or "Barcode" from the drop-down.

  • Specific Sync Locations - The locations you would like products to be synced to. Select "All Locations" or "Specific Locations" from the drop-down.

    When "Specific Locations" is selected an additional field will appear:

    Specific Sync Locations - The location(s) you would like products to be synced to.

  • GST Tax* [Required] - Where to map tax for products that attract GST. 

  • GST Free Tax* [Required] - Where to map tax for products that are GST Free. Select "None" or "GST" from the drop-down.

  • Name Format* [Required]The format to use when sending product names to Square. Uses out templating language, see docs for more details. Some common options are:

    • {{brand}}: Products brand name.
    • {{name}}: Products name.
    • {{size_unit}}: Products size (e.g. "100" for a product that is 100g).
    • {{size_measure}}: Products size measurement in short form (e.g. "g" for grams).
    • {{carton_qty}}: The quantity per carton (e.g. "g" for 8 per carton, "]" for items sold by unit).


 Click "SAVE" to apply your setting.


Additional Options

Clicking the 3 dots in top right corner of the "Integrations" page brings up an additional menu.

  • Export Products - Allows you to export your products from Square to a "Supply'd Product Import File", allowing you to import products from Square into Supply'd. See How to Bulk Import/Add Products.  

    Clicking this brings up the Export Products form.

  • Reconnect -  Allows you to reconnect to Square.

  • Advanced >

    • Sync All Products - Sync all your products from Supply'd with Square. You will be asked to confirm. WARNING: This will trigger all products in Supply'd to sync to Square, only use if you are 100% sure that is your intention.
    • Re-sync Orders - Re-sync all your orders from Square to Supply'd. You will be asked to confirm. WARNING: This will remove all orders for this integration in Supply'd and begin to sync from the start again. This is not recommended and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

  • Remove Integration - Allows you to remove the Square integration. See Disconnecting from Square below.

Disconnecting from Square

If you would like to disconnect from Square, you can do so by clicking on your company name in the top right corner, selecting "Settings", then "Integrations". Select "Square" from the "Integrations" list. Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner and select "Remove Integration".

You will be asked to confirm.