If the recall is due to a source component or ingredient, start from step 1. If the recall is due to a production fault or other product specific fault start from step 4.
  1. Go to "Inventory" and locate the source ingredient, hover each of the batches to locate the faulty batch. Once found, note the Batch ID. 
  2. In the top right, click the 3 Dots > Stock Feed. In the stock feed look for any entries with the "Type" of "Used" and the "Batch ID" matching the faulty ingredient. 
  3. Scroll to the right to locate the reference. There will generally be 2 entries for each production run, so you just need click on one of each reference and note down the batch number at the top of the production run.
  4. For each production batch you can then click on the product to load that product and then click 3 Dots > Manage Stock. Find the related Batch ID to the Batch Code affected. If the product recall is not for a product you produce you can simply search for the product in the "Inventory" screen then follow step 5 Onwards.
  5. You should contain this stock physically in the warehouse, and update the batches "Stock On Hand" to "0" and click "Save". This only needs to change on the affected batch. If your available stock goes into negative this is okay, when you produce new stock to replace the contained stock the ordered stock not fulfilled will automatically be switched over to new batch. 
  6. Once you have the related Batch ID(s) for that product, go to 3 Dots > View Stock Feed, this time you want to look for anything with the "Type" of "Sale", the "Batch ID" matching the affected batch, and the "Stock Type" of "On Hand". Note: Any lines with the "Stock Type" of "Available" can be ignored as this has not left the premises unless there is a related "On Hand" Transaction.

  7. Scroll to the right to locate the "Reference" field. Click each of the related reference orders to locate where these items have been shipped, note down the customer to contact.