You can update the status, download invoices or review orders anytime on the Orders page. 

If you are a supplier and a buyer you will see 2 tabs on the orders page. This article will talk through managing "Customer Orders" which are orders your customers have placed with you.  "Your Orders" which are orders you have placed with suppliers in Supply'd, you can read more about managing these here.


Managing Orders

The "Customer Orders" tab contains all the orders your customers have placed with you. To review an order click on the order in the orders list. 

Orders include information about how the customer is paying for the order where to ship the order and who the customer is. 

You can also download an order invoice by opening an order, clicking on the 3 dots in the top right and then select Download Invoice.


Payment Methods

If the customer chose to pay via credit card, a hold will have been placed on the card for 7 days for the amount of the order. This ensures that the funds will be available when it needs to be fully charged. The charge will be captured only once the order has shipped. If you ship the order after 7 days the order will attempt to be charged again, provided the funds are available. If the funds are not available the order will fail to be marked as shipped. The more efficiently you ship the orders, the safer the credit card transactions will be. See Managing Statuses for more information on how to mark an order as shipped.

Invoice and Cash on Delivery payments will need to be managed by you directly. Supply'd does not manage these transactions. 


Managing Statuses

Order statuses are critical to keeping on top of where an order is at. The full list of possible statuses are:

  • Payment Failed
  • Pending Approval
  • Order Placed
  • Shipped
  • Complete
  • Refunded.

Most of the statuses will maintain themselves in the app, such as Pending Approval and Refunded. The main status you will need to managed is whether or not the order has shipped. Once an order is ready to ship or has shipped, open up the order and click the 3 dots in the top right and click Mark Shipped. This will mark the order as shipped and capture any credit card payments that may be waiting. 


Refunds and Partial Refunds

Refunds are mainly used for altering orders made using credit cards in Supply'd. If there was a shortage delivered to a customer, or the customer would no longer like to go through with their order you can process a refund through Supply'd.

Simply open the order in question and click on the 3 dots in the top right and select Refund. Select either "Items" to refund specific items and/or shipping on an order or "Other Amount" to refund a specific value. The most common method is "Items" as it is cleaner and more often a whole item amount is refunded rather than a random amount. 

To refund items press the "+" to select the specific items you would like to refund. You cannot refund more items than the customer ordered. Once the items are selected check the "New Refunds" amount is correct, add a reason for the refund and click Refund to finalise. 

To refund using "Other Amount" please follow the guidance below:

Refund Amount [required] Sets the amount that will be refunded to the customer. For example if you'd like to refund the customer $10 you would enter the value "$10.00". This amount cannot be more than the value of the original order itself.
Refund Reason [required] Defines the reason why the refund is being processed. For example the reasons could be "Damaged Item", "Short Shipped", "Item no longer available", "Compensation" etc.

Click Refund to process the refund. 

It is not possible to undo a refund after it has been made so be careful to process the correct amount.

It is possible to enter refunds for invoice and cash on delivery transactions, however the actual refund would need to be managed outside of Supply'd.



Payments are automatically managed for credit card transactions. If however you accept invoice and cash on delivery you will need to manually mark orders as paid in Supply'd. To do this open an order, click on the 3 dots in the top right and click Mark Paid. This will mark the order as being fully paid.