Selecting "Customers" from the main menu will show you a list of all your customers, who their sales rep is, when they are due their next sales rep visit or call, the number of orders they have placed with you in Supply'd, and their current status. You can add customers by following the steps in the How to Add Customers and Customer Groups article.
Customer Tabs
To view all the information about a particular customer, select them from the list. Clicking on the tabs across the top will show the various information.
Information about this customer - Account number, ABN, payment terms, website, number of orders placed, etc. These fields are not able to be edited here (see further on in this article on how to edit these details).
A list of contacts for this customer.
Clicking on a contact will open the details for that contact.
Clicking on the 3 dots on the top right-hand corner of the form, then "Edit Contact" will open the "Edit Contact" form allowing you to change contact details. You will also have the option to remove the contact.
Click "SAVE" to update the contact.
A list of locations for billing and shipping for this customer.
Clicking on a location will open the "Edit Location" form and allow you to edit the location name, address, and operating days and times. By clicking on the 3 dots on the top right-hand corner, you will have the option remove the location.
Call Log
Lists any calls to this customer, including dates, locations, and any notes from those calls.
Clicking"Add Call" will open the "Add Call Log" form where you can log any details about a sales call or visit.
- Customer - Automatically entered.
- Location - Select the location of the call from any of the locations set for this customer.
- Call Date* [required] - Call date and time. Clicking this field will open a calendar and a time section.
- Call Type* [required] - Select "Visit" or "Call" from the drop-down, depending on whether it was an in-person visit or a phone call.
- User - Select the name of the sales rep or person that made the call from the drop-down.
- Next Call Date - Clicking this field will open a calendar for you to select the next call date.
- Notes - Any notes taken from this call.
- Images - Allows you to upload any photos applicable to this call.
A Pantry List is a list of items this customer usually orders. Under the "Pantry" tab you can create and manage a pantry list for this customer, show products by category, or create a sales order visually.
To add an item to the list click "Add +".
Click on the "Products" field and select the products.
Click "ADD" to add them to the list.
The products will show on the list with images for easy ordering.
To remove a product from the list, simply click the " x " beside that product. Click "ADD" to add more products.
Clicking on the Pantry List drop-down, you can view all your products in categories and can add them to an order by simply clicking the plus beside the items.
Click "Create Order" to place the order.
A list of orders this customer has placed with you.
Clicking on an order on the list will open the order and show all the order details for that order.
See the How to Manage Sales Orders article for information on managing customer orders.
A list of credits this customer has applied to them.
Clicking the "Add Credit" button will open the "Add Customer Credit" form and allow you to apply a credit.
- Credit Amount* [required] - The amount you wish to allocate as credit to the customer.
- Set Expiry - Whether or not this credit should have a set expiry date. Select "Never" or "Yes" from the drop-down. When "Yes" is selected, a field for you to enter the expiry date will show.
- Notes* [required] - Details about what this credit is for. This will be used for you to reference the credit and will also be visible to the customer.
- Notify Customer - Whether or not to notify the customer via email of the credit being applied. Select "Yes" or "No" from the drop down.
Click "SAVE" to apply this credit. The credit will then show on the "Credits" list for this customer.
Specific customer discounts or price overrides for this customer.
Clicking the "Add Pricing" button allows you to set this. See the How to Apply Customer Specific Pricing article for details on how to do this.
Customer Menu
With a customer selected, clicking the 3 dots in the top right-hand corner brings up a menu which gives you the following options:
- Edit Customer - Clicking this, the "Edit Customer" form will open. Here you can edit the following information for this customer. You can find more details on these settings in the How to Add Customers and Customer Groups article.
- Company Details -
- Company Name* [required] - Change the trading name of your customer's business.
- Company Logo - Change or upload the customer's company logo.
- Groups - Add or change any customer Groups you would like to assign to this customer. Click the field to select from the list of available groups.
- Account Number - Change or add an optional account number for this customer.
- ABN - Change the customer's company ABN.
- Website - Change or add the customer's company/business website address.
- Company Name* [required] - Change the trading name of your customer's business.
- Settings -
- Payment Terms - Change or enter the payment terms to apply to this customer's invoices. Leave blank to use the default terms set in your supplier settings.
- Shipping Zones - Change or set specific Shipping Zones that are allowed for this customer. Click the field to select from the list of available zones. Leave blank to not restrict zones.
- Sales Rep - Assign or reassign a sales representative to this customer.
- Notes - Add or change any notes about this customer. For internal reference only, this is not visible to customers
- Payment Terms - Change or enter the payment terms to apply to this customer's invoices. Leave blank to use the default terms set in your supplier settings.
- Advanced -
- Order Alert - Add or change an internal alert to show when creating an order for this customer. This alert is not visible to customers.
- Xero - Xero Contact ID - Add or change a Xero Contact ID. If not set, the Contact ID will automatically be matched to the using the customer name or ABN.
- Order Alert - Add or change an internal alert to show when creating an order for this customer. This alert is not visible to customers.
- Company Details -
- Set Next Call Date - Set a date and location for a sales rep call.
- Customer - Automatically entered.
- Location - Select the location of the call from any locations set for this customer.
- Next Call Date* [required] - Clicking this field will open a calendar for you to select the next call date.
- Customer - Automatically entered.
- Add Order -
- Channel - Automatically entered.
- Reference - An optional customer reference for this order, eg. a purchase order number.
- Order Number - Automatically entered.
- Customer - Automatically entered.
- Due Date* [required] - Clicking this field will open a calendar for you to select the due date for the invoice.
- Delivery Date - Clicking this field will open a calendar for you to select the delivery date.
- Product - Select products to be added the order.
- Ship to - Automatically entered from the customer settings.
- Payment Method - Automatically entered from the customer settings.
- Order Notes - Any notes applicable to this order.
Click "PLACE ORDER" to place the order for this customer.
- Channel - Automatically entered.
- Add Quote - See the How to Create and Manage Quotes article for more information.
- Add Standing Order - See the How to Create and Manage Standing Orders article for more information.
- Get Invite Link - A link you can send to your customer inviting them to create a free Lite Supply'd account. The link is automatically generated. Clicking "COPY LINK" will allow you to then paste this link in an email to send to your customer.
- Apply Credit Hold - To place a hold on any credit arrangements you may have with this customer. You will be asked to confirm this.
- Merge Customer - Two types of customers can exist in Supply'd. Customers who have their own account and those who you have created and manage yourself. Should a customer register on Supply'd and cause you to have duplicate customers in your list you can use this merge feature to merge your offline version with their Supply'd account.
This will merge an offline or invited customer with a Supply'd customer. All settings pricing and credits will be transferred to the Supply'd customer as a result of performing this action. The merge cannot be reversed. - Export Price List - You can select from "All Products" or "Pantry". Clicking "EXPORT" will download the price list, in pdf format, to your computer.
- Remove Customer - You will be asked to confirm this.