If you are a supplier and a buyer you will see 5 tabs on the orders page.

  • Sales - Sales Orders your customers have placed with you, you can read more about managing these here.
  • Purchases - Purchase Orders you have placed with suppliers in Supply'd.
  • Quotes - Quotes that have been generate for new business. 
  • Standing - Standing Orders which are repeating orders for consistent order schedules.
  • Postponed - Postponed Orders for completion at a later date.

This article will talk through managing "Purchases" which are Purchase Orders you have placed with suppliers in Supply'd.

Managing Purchase Orders

The "Purchases" tab contains all the orders you have placed with suppliers. To review an order click on the order in the orders list.





You can also download an order invoice by opening an order, clicking on the 3 dots in the top right, selecting "Download" then "Invoice".

Order Approvals


Some businesses may require certain orders placed by staff to be approved. You can find out more about setting up user order approval here

After a user requiring order approval sends through an order the approvers will be sent an email to review the order. If the approver is happy with the order they can simply click "Approve" in the email and follow the steps on the website, or view the orders in question in the "Orders" section of the website. 

If there is an issue with the order they can opt to modify the order. By modifying the order the order will be added to their cart the they can add or remove items as per the instructions above. It is important to note, if you have items in your cart already when you choose to modify the order, the existing items in your cart will be removed. It is best to finalise any outstanding orders before modifying an approver order.