Adding to Cart

With Supply'd you can order from anywhere in the app. Whether searching the marketplace, browsing suppliers or viewing favourites you can place your order. 

Simply click the "+" button next to any product to add it to your cart. You can also click the "-" reduce the number of that particular item in your cart. If you want to add a large number of items you can click and hold (or long press on mobile) the "+" or "-" for about 2 seconds and a text field will appear to enter a new value, click the tick to update.

You can add items from as many suppliers as you'd like to the cart. Supply'd streamlines the checkout process for all your suppliers to allow you to checkout for all of them at once.

When you have products in your cart a button will appear at the bottom of the page that says "Checkout" and the amount in your cart. You can click this button at any time to review the order and/or adjust items in your cart. 


Review Cart & Checkout

Checking out on Supply'd is really quick and easy. 

If you have multiple locations the first thing you will see is a drop down to select which location you are ordering from. In your user settings you can also define a default location for each user which will be pre-selected when that user reviews an order. 

When viewing the cart you can see all your orders for all of your suppliers. You can review the order for each supplier and adjust the quantities as required. For each supplier you should also review the payment method and shipping method. If there are multiple options available you can use the drop down to select alternative methods for each supplier. 

If there are any errors for any suppliers such as not meeting order minimums you should address these before attempting to finalise the order.

Once you are happy with your order simply click Place Order to finalise the order. If the order was successful all the suppliers will be notified of your order and can begin fulfilling. 

You can find out more about how to manage your orders here.


Order Approvals

Some businesses may require certain staff orders to be approved. You can find out more about setting up user order approval here. 

After a user requiring order approval sends through an order the approvers will be sent an email to review the order. If the approver is happy with the order they can simply click Approve in the email and follow the steps on the website, or view the orders in question in the Orders section of the website. 

If there is an issue with the order they can opt to modify the order. By modifying the order the order will be added to their cart the they can add or remove items as per the instructions above. It is important to note, if you have items in your cart already when you choose to modify the order, the existing items in your cart will be removed. It is best to finalise any outstanding orders before modifying an approver order.